Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How Good is the new Evil Dead Movie?

Next time you find a book that’s wrapped up in barbed wire, has warnings in blood, and can’t be burned, here’s a little hint: DON’T READ IT!

“Evil Dead” hit theaters bringing back the series since its original release in 1981. The original film was about five people staying the night in a cabin in the middle of the woods when they discover something horrifying. They find a book that is bound in human flesh and inked in blood that speaks of demons that seek to take human’s souls known as the Book of the Dead. An audio recording of an archeologist who had found the book says an incantation, which causes everything to go horrible. On by one, the people are killed and taken over by the demons until one remains named Ash Williams, played by Bruce Campbell. The original “Evil Dead” went on to have two more sequels that started to become more action with one-liners while still focused on horror.

The re-boot does the series justice and more with many similarities. Five people still go out in the woods and the Book of the Dead is found in the basement. However it is a group of different characters with the main two are David and Mia, who are brother and sister. The group has gathered to help stop Mia from her drug addiction. Of course Mia tries to explain the horror that begins to happen after one from the group reads the incantation, they blame it her drug withdrawal. It’s only when she becomes possessed by the dead when things start to get really bad.

The big kick about this movie is that there is gore and blood. A lot of gore and blood. The part that makes the film stand out the most in this film is that all the effects are practical done effects. CGI only was used for a touch up here and there giving a true realistic look of things happening in the film. That being said this could be one of the most gore-filled films ever, and it will have viewers grimacing and being disgusted by some of the effects due to the realistic nature of them. The original rating was NC-17 for the film, and it barely made it down to an R rating with a few edits. And that’s saying a lot.

But the big decision is will fans of the original “Evil Dead” enjoy this film? Absolutely. There’s a number of references to the original film, as well as most of the sequences and shots being the same.  The one thing the film lacks is some of the little bits of humor from the original, but this new film does have its moments.  A lot of familiar horror themes exist in the film, but viewers will be surprised when some will be broken and affect the plot greatly.

Overall if you are a fan of horror and the Evil Dead series, you owe it to yourself to watch this. If you are not a fan of either it is in your best interests to steer clear of this film if you don’t want nightmares.

4/5 Stars

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